When you hear the word "Bone Health," what comes to mind? Dairy, calcium, milk? Did you know that American's have one of the highest calcium intakes in the entire world, yet we have the highest rate of hip fractures?
Bones are a lot more complicated than that. Our bones are constantly being broken down and built up (osteoclast and osteoblast). Unfortunately, the builder cells, osteoblasts, take longer to build bones than the destroyer cells, osteoclasts. So, if you are breaking down faster than you are replacing, then you are losing bone mass, which takes you down the detrimental path of osteoporosis. The best way to reclaim bone health is to avoid the bone robbers, skip the marketing lies (such as eating Viactiv Calcium Chews), and eat foods that build bones.
The problems with the prescription drugs, such as Boniva and Fozomax, is that instead of letting our bone shed the old de-mineralized cells, it just keeps growing new bone over the top of old bones. This will show on a dexa scan that your bones are getting thicker, mistakenly have you believing that the pharmacological drug is working. The problem is that your bones are not any stronger, still brittle, just more brittle bones. These drugs also have a lot of detrimental side effects such as intestinal distress.
So instead of relying on prescription drugs, let's eliminate the things that cause osteoclast (BONE ROBBERS) and add in the things that cause osteoblast (BONE BUILDERS)!
1. SUGAR: This is why "calcium fortified" orange juice is so ridiculous! 100% orange juice contains as much sugar as a Coke. An 8 ounce glass = 6 tsp! Yes, it is 'natural' sugar, but drinking only the juice from an orange, you lose the fiber to slow the blood sugar from increasing too much. Sugar causes inflammation. Diabetics have a very high fracture risk and often are diagnosed with osteoporosis.NOTE: bones grow at the highest rate before age 19. So are you setting your kids up for healthy bones or osteoporosis? What did you send them off to school with? Cereal and Skim Milk?
2. PHYTATES: A diet high in phytic acid, which is found in the bran of whole grains, interferes with calcium absorption. This acid binds to a variety of minerals including calcium, to form insoluble salts, called phytates, which are wasted from the body. Since grains are a relatively new food, from an evolutionary perspective, it appears that we have not yet developed digestive tracts which can break down these phytates. So eating a big bowl of cereal with skim milk isn't going to help our bones at all.
3. PHOSPHORIC ACID: (Soda/Dt. Soda): Sodas are addictive and burn out dopamine receptors. There are some natural supplements to help rebuild dopamine to help kick the bad habit without strong cravings.
4. CAFFEINE: Caffeine causes calcium to be excreted in the urine and feces. For every 150 mg of caffeine ingested, about the amount in one cup of coffee, 5 mg of calcium is lost. Caffeine also inhibits the amount of calcium that is absorbed through the intestinal tract and depletes the amount retained by the bones. Caffeine inhibits vitamin D receptors, which is essential for bone health.
5. SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE: Regular activity and muscle building increase bone mass and reduce bone loss. Studies show that weight-bearing exercise is just as important to your bone health as taking calcium.
6. ALCOHOL: Causes absorption and causes hormonal imbalances. A "beer belly" is really an "estrogen belly" because alcohol raises the unhealthy estrogen our fat cells make by 300% and decreases testosterone for up to 24 hours.
7. SMOKING: Cigarette smoke generates a large amount of free radicals, which are molecules that attack the body's natural defenses. Free radicals cause a chain-reaction of damage throughout the body including cells, organs, and hormones involved in keeping bones healthy. Compared with nonsmokers, women who smoke often produce less estrogen and tend to experience menopause earlier, which leads to increased bone loss.
8. OVER-THE-COUNTER and PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS: Acid suppressing drugs like Prilosec, Nexium, or Prevacid inhibit stomach acid, resulting in insufficient mineral uptake.
9. CELIAC/CROHN'S/COLITUS/THYROID DISORDERS: Digestive disorders like Celiac and Crohn’s disease, irritable bowl syndrome, or colitis interfere with the assimilation of calcium and other important minerals that promote healthy bones. Hormonal disorders due to thyroidism and pituitary gland malfunction disturb the process of bone building and calcium regulation.
1. Vitamin D: Daily exposure to cool sunlight for 15 to 20 minutes for the skin to synthesize to vitamin D. The nutrient is also found in eggs, deep water fish (salmon, mackerel), oysters, cottage cheese, and mushrooms exposed to the sun. Vitamin D supplement should not be synthetic.2. Vitamin K: Vitamin K is essential for the proper formation and activation of the Gla proteins. The Gla protein osteocalcin, with the addition of vitamin K, allows for the binding of calcium to the bone matrix. Gla protein is a key inhibitor of soft tissue calcification that binds calcium, preventing it from depositing in the vessel walls.
3. Magnesium: The United States has some of the highest calcium intakes in the entire world, yet we have the highest rate of hip fractures! So why is this??? One reason is that it doesn't supply adequate magnesium. Studies of our ancestors' pre-agricultural diets indicate that magnesium was probably consumed at about a 1:1 ratio with calcium. But now, the Calcium-Magnesium ratio is 12:1 in dairy. Since calcium and magnesium compete for the same absorption mechanisms, the imbalanced intake associated with our modern diet may well lead to magnesium deficiency. One feature of magnesium deficiency is the inhibition of osteoblasts (the cells that build and maintain bones).
4. Calcium: BUT are you taking Tums in order to get your calcium??? The active ingredient in Tums is calcium carbonate, which is also found in many calcium supplements. Calcium carbonate is the least absorbable form of calcium. Many people who suffer from kidney stones have too much calcium in their urine, a condition known as hypercalciuria. This can occur when taking poorly absorbed calcium supplements. Click HERE to find a quality calcium and bone-building supplements.
5. Omega 3 (Cod Liver Oil): Cod liver oil is most famous for contributing to bone health and preventing osteomalacia in adults. Osteoporosis responds to vitamin D and to cod liver oil. Sufficient elongated omega-3 oils found in cod liver oil are one of the keys to keeping and rebuilding bone. In women, higher levels of vitamin D from cod liver oil improve bone mineral density. Two symptoms of low levels of vitamin D are bone and muscle pain. Numerous studies have shown decrease in bone and muscle pain, as well as an increase in muscle strength with cod liver oil.
Some of my favorite magnesium and calcium filled recipes are:
1. KALE (I LOVE my Kale Chips): Green veggies often have twice as much calcium as dairy.
2. Almond milk (Cinnabon Coffee Cake): Almond milk has twice as much calcium as dairy milk.
3. Cheddar cheese ("Healthified" BBQ Chicken Pizza)
4. Sesame seeds ("Healthified" Sushi OR Salad Crisps)
5. Canned Salmon ("Healthified" salmon patties)
6. Pecans/Walnuts/Brazil Nuts ("Healthified" Pecan Sandies)
7. Cabbage ("Healthified" Enchiladas)
8. Broccoli/spinach ("Healthified" Italian Casserole)
9. Rhubarb ("Bread" Pudding)
10. Almonds and almond flour (Goldfish Crackers AND most of my recipes:)
11. Brewer's yeast (my "Healthified" POPCORN)
12. Artichokes (Protein Noodle White Lasagna)
13. Shrimp (Coconut Shrimp: recipe in The Art of Eating Healthy: KIDS)
14. Sunflower Seeds (Protein Energy Bars: recipe in the Art of Eating Healthy: KIDS)
15. Peanuts ("Healthified" Nutter Butters)
16. Eggs ("Healthified" Protein Angel-food Cake)
17. Cottage Cheese ("Healthified" Pizza "Hit" Breadsticks)
These recipes can be found in my cookbooks.
Now that zucchinis are poking out of everyone's garden, here is one idea... We didn't even plant any this year and they are everywhere! The seeds must have survived the winter!
1 cup blanched almond flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 tsp Celtic sea salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)
2 eggs
1/3 cup Swerve (or Erytritol plus 1/2 tsp stevia glycerite)
1 TBS coconut oil or butter, melted
1 TBS unsweetener almond milk
3/4 cup grated raw zucchini
1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans
Preheat oven to 350F. Combine almond flour, salt, cocoa powder, cinnamon and baking soda into medium-sized bowl. Beat eggs and sweeteners for about 2-3 minutes. Then add in butter and almond milk.
Grate the zucchini. Squeeze out the water of zucchini if it seems wet, then measure out 3/4 cup of grated zucchini. Add 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans.
Stir the wet and dry ingredients together, only stirring enough to combine. Gently fold in the zucchini and nuts. Spray 6 muffin tin with coconut oil spray, then divide mixture evenly into cups. Bake muffins about 20 to 25 minutes, or until top is browned and toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Yum! Makes 6 muffins. OPTION: Make into donuts! For some reason, everything tastes better as a donut!
Traditional Chocolate Zucchini Muffin = 217 calories, 29.7 carbs, 0.9 fiber
“Healthified” Zucchini Muffin = 157 calories, 6.7 carbs, 3.2 fiber
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