This blog is not a raw blog or a cooked food blog. It is a blog about being healthy at the most basic level, especially in times of stress and chaos. However it just so happens that today is my fourth day on a raw diet. I would say that I am at about 90% raw for the last 4 days. The crazy thing is that this is the second time that I am trying to do a raw program. By program I mean more than one day or a meal here and there. The first time was over 2 years ago. I had tried a raw challenge with my sister. We planned and prepared and even researched. We had previously taken a Alisa Cohen Raw food course too. However yummy I thought and found the food, I still found it a challenge and immediately craved cooked food. This time is different in some ways. I still have been reading and researching. I have also signed up for another course but the main difference is that I just woke up and decided that my meal should be raw. After this meal I just continued and it has led me to 4 days of raw food.
I have been reading some blogs that have been pretty informative and inspiring. One that I particularly like is
"Oh She Glows". Also this time I am not too consumed with big fancy raw dishes like I was before. Don't get me wrong I love those elaborate meals, but for now I am doing simple. Things like sunflower seed cheese, nori wraps, salads and juices and smoothies. Really I think it is my determination and that fact that I need something from this raw food that is motivating me. I need energy. I need clarity. I need inspiration. I need many more things in my life now( I will elaborate more later). I hope on the way that I will learn lots and be able to share lots too. I am not sure how long this raw journey will be. Maybe a day more. Maybe weeks. Who knows. I am going to do what feels right.
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