Today I jogg/walked 3 miles! I jogged for 10 minutes straight & felt awesome! My foot felt fabulous, the breathing was tough. It's the endurance from not being able to do much since my surgery thats weighing me down from being more active. I was doing so well with staying in points, but then got so mad with my short term disability drama that I ate some chocolate chips. Not many I don't think, I mean, I didn't measure or anything haha
Made dinner. Tasty Turkey Sausage Bowls from WW magazine
Browned 6 sweet turkey sausages in a skillet, then removed from pan
Added a 1# bag of frozen pearl onions, 1/2 cup golden rasins, salt & pepper to crockpot, then layered the sausages on the top
Cooked on high for 4-6 hours (or low for 8-10)
Then I removed the sausages & cut into 5 diagonal slices per link. Added 5 oz. baby spinach to mixture until wilted (the recipee called for more, but I thought it would be too much). Stirred in the sausage & 1 TBSP balsamic vinegar.
Served each serving with a 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup of the onion mixture & 5 sausage slices for 7 pts total. delish!
Kevin came over for dinner tonight, the first time I've cooked for him since we broke up 3 weeks ago. I started wearing my engagement ring again...but around my neck. I still feel like its a part of me, but I know it doesn't belong on my finer right now. We're planning a trip to Vermont this weekend, more on that tomorrow. WI in 2 days!
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