Babies & cocktails...

Babies. It seems like just as the weddings are slowing down, the baby showers begin. Today I spent the morning at brunch with my work girlfriends for Debbie's baby shower. I had plenty of Bellinis, an omelet, potatoes, and fruit, plus a little dessert.

All the current & former Healthsouth girls

The preggers & Me!
Came home tired, and decided on a nap instead of a run. Plus who wants to run after downing a bunch of cocktails at 11am? Tomorrow is another day! I managed to make it to the grocery store to get supplies for some healthy eating this week.

Its the final 2 weeks before the triathlon. My focus is going to be on running this week, since I feel like that is my problem area. I haven't done a swim in almost 2 weeks & I'm hoping to fit one in wednesday morning. I'm starting to think about my packing list since I'm doing a dry run on saturday, I figure I'll do a dry run with the checklist & packing too. Heres what I have so far:
  • compression shorts, sportsbra to start
  • wetsuit
  • cycling/running tank
  • long sleeve race top in case its cold
  • cycling shoes
  • running shoes
  • flip flops
  • goggles
  • body glide
  • socks
  • towels
  • small bowl for water
  • racing sunglasses
  • hairclips, ponytail holders & elastic headbands
  • post race clothes
  • waterbottles
  • sport beans
  • fuel belt
  • bike
   Anything else you can think of?

I am the blog of the week at Forward Foot Strides! Check out Katherine's site for fabulous giveaways & running words of wisdom.

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