Butter vs. Margarine Showdown

Photo Credit: Big Oven

 Source: Food Renegade

'It’s no secret that I’m a fan of butter. I love the way it tastes. I love the way it makes other foods taste. I love the way it melts, the rich creamy texture it imparts to delectable recipes, and I love that it is REAL. If I wanted to, I could put a cow out to lush, green pastures every day, milk it, and use my haul to create fresh butter in my own kitchen. I can’t create margarine in my kitchen.

Butter from grass-fed cows is arguably one of the best kinds of fats we can eat, but when you tell most people this they roll their eyems. Where’s the science to back that claim up? They ask. Everyone knows butter is bad, bad, bad for you. Don’t they?

Ah. Well now you can point them to a recent study which broke down the results of the 20 year Framingham Heart study, specifically comparing butter consumption to margarine consumption. Guess which tasty, spreadable fat wins?'


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