Most Modern Day Diseases Are Man-Made

'The biggest killers, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases are largely man-made and iatrogenic in origin, yet we ignorantly dismiss their growing incidence to factors which we assume are not preventable.'

Vaccines - A Major Cause of Disease

'Type I insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a disease that has now been linked to vaccines, as is Parkinson Disease, Tourette's syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and several other neuropsychiatric disorders.'

'All vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, increasing and decreasing, impairments to blood flow, throughout the brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill, sick, and brain damaged along a continuum of other symptoms, some of which are clinically silent until death. Vaccines are causing ischemic "strokes". Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological aftermath of these damages - within hours and days of
vaccination - all vaccinations. (Read Vaccines Are One Big Experiment Causing Hundreds of Diseases In The Modern World)'

'There is a direct and statistical correlation between the diseases that affect a given population (in developed nations) and the frequency of vaccines administered. That being said, there is an excellent probability that hundreds of diseases in the modern world are simply a by-product of the harmful effects of vaccines.'


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