A Liberal’s Awakening to the Reality of ObamaCare


'Most Liberals have in the past hoped for health care reform.  In particular, Edward Moore “Ted” Kennedy had a dream of decent, quality health care as a fundamental right and not a privilege.  He campaigned vehemently on a platform to create an America that cares for its own without having income as a barrier to quality of life.  Unfortunately, he died before seeing Obama’s Health Care Bill passed in Congress.  As it is now popularly known, ObamaCare was billed as the fulfillment of Kennedy’s dream but, in reality, even if the great Senator had been alive when it was ratified, he still would not have seen his dream come to fruition. The reality is that ObamaCare stands as an example of what happens when politics and blind ambition mix in a solution of two parts deception and one part ignorance.' 


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