It is too early for this snow crap!

I woke up this morning (purposely skipping my AM gym time since I had a late bed time), to the sound of rain. I didn't even know it was supposed to rain, looked out the window..... SLEET? SNOW?! GROSS!!! It wasn't much, in fact it reminded me of the accumulation in Florida during my Half Marathon at Disney World last year. But I couldn't help but think how miserable I'm going to be once winter arrives.

I've never been much of a winter person. Well, I guess as a kid I liked making snow mans & sledding, but I usually didn't make it for more than a couple hours. Combine that with my snowbird winters to Fort Myers, Florida from toddler age, until 5th grade and you have a 27 (almost 28) year old who absolutely cannot wait until retirement to become a snowbird. I long for the sun, and (mostly) pleasant weather year round.

Kevin tried to take me snowboarding once. I spent a few hours on the bunny hill, falling on my ass and watching the 5 year olds zoom by me. I couldn't get the idea of the rope pull to the top, and I was cold and miserable. I gave up on winter sports. Kevin has been trying to get me to at least try skiing, so we could go to the mountain together. I've been contemplating it, and then watching travel channel last night I decided we have to go to Okemo. They have a "ski-up" Waffle Haus that looks absolutely amazing. I think I'd learn to ski just to get to it. YUM!

I know I haven't posted much lately, I've been super busy with work and social events. At dinner with my girlfriends on saturday night, I casually mentioned to my friend S that I was doing a 9 miler in the morning if she wanted to come along for the whole thing or part of it. We ran a 10k together a couple of years together, but she hasn't ever run more than 6 miles. She was in! We met up at 8am, and took off. It was a great run, she was keeping me motivated to keep plugging along, then she took a HUGE digger and skinned her knee & hands. Thankfully she was ok. We still had 3.5 miles to go. We paused for a couple minutes, then walked a little before picking it back up to a run. I had to pause a couple times to walk near the end, but we finished strong. She said that she will do all my long training runs with me, and I told her she should just sign up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon!

Tomorrow is speedwork day, and I'm already wishing I was asleep. That pesky time change! Good night!

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