Missed monday and todays gym time. Drama with my relationship again is to blame. It seems like the arguing has been nonstop, all on the same topic. He cannot be bothered to make a decision on when to tell our families about our wedding date and start planning. He says it doesn't feel right, right now. Did I mention the wedding date is less than 8 months away, and this is the second one we've had? I've seriously had it with his indecisiveness.
Tonight after work, I decided cleaning & decorating were needed. I did a much needed cleaning of the downstairs, followed by christmas decorations & putting up the tree. Love my 3 piece fakie from Target :)
Jessica's gifts winner?
that would be Kandyce @ Konfessions from Kandyce! Please email me at sgrigely at hotmail dot com with your address, and I'll get it out to you!
look for a great new giveaway tomorrow! wish me luck getting my ass to the gym in the morning!
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