Last night, Kevin took me out for my birthday. Dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, followed by a hot tub & massage, which was sooooo relaxing. So well needed, I almost fell asleep during the session! I worked this morning, then hit the gym because today is the first day of.....
I logged 6 points for the contest today. 6 mile ride (at the gym) = 2, 30 min elliptical = 2, 20 min strength = 1, and 7 servings fruits/veggies = 1.
I also signed up for.....
A Journey to Thin is hosting a sort of online Turkey Trot! I'm doing the Manchester, CT road race, which I think is about 4.5 miles on thanksgiving morning, so I will count that. That is the last scheduled race I have until New Orleans in february, and I'm a little disappointed. Maybe I need to start searching for more?
My mom asked me for a christmas list. So far I know I want giftcards to Road Runner Sports, either a bike attachment for my Garmin or a bike computer (any input on that?), a triathlon bag (in pink of course! looking for recommendations), a new running skirt from, maybe a USAT membership, running clothes, some floating shelves for my living room (or other decorations), not sure what else. She likes a big list to have plenty to choose from. Any other suggestions?
I also just sent a couple emails to learn more about a couple of master's swim groups in my area. I really want to work on improving my swimming over the winter, but I know the snow and cold weather will keep me avoiding the pool. I figure if I have somewhere I'm expected, I'll me more likely to go, not to mention, I'd really like someone to give me some feedback past my swim lessons over 23 years ago.
Back to the DVR lineup & Garmin play!
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