No Forced Vaccination Action Item – Make It Clear To Decision Makers that You Will Not Accept Forced Vaccination.
Natural Solutions Foundation is an international NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) – committed to discover, document, develop, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the problems and challenges facing us all. The goal of this Talking Points document is to educate decision makers, potential patients and parents regarding the significant dangers of vaccination and the right of people to refuse unwanted medical treatment.'
There is no significant scientific agreement, based upon disinterested clinical trials, that any vaccine is either safe or effective despite massive dis-information to the contrary.
'Science contrary to the prevailing pro-vaccine myths abound. For example, see Geier DA, King PG, Geier MR. Influenza Vaccine: Review of effectiveness of the U.S. immunization program and policy considerations, J American Physicians and Surgeons 2006 Fall; 11(3): 69-74 which clearly shows that the flu vaccine has no effect.
Despite frequent references to it, there is, in fact, no such thing as “herd immunity”: if vaccines worked, the vaccinated would be at no risk from those who choose to forgo any particular assault on their immune systems. It is not the unvaccinated who are a threat to the vaccinated, but, since some of the vaccinated shed infective viral particles, it is the vaccinated who are a threat to the vaccine-free!'
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