2010 review

2010 was a crazy year, with ups and downs. Good times and bad. I can honestly say I am looking forward to 2011 and all that I have planned. There were a lot of memories of 2010 I'd like to recap...

In January I traveled with my brother and friends to Disney!
I was running Half Marathon #3, and they all ran their first half marathons!

Christy, Amy, my brother & I at packet pick up!

The weather was awful, and my brother was hurting, but I stuck with him and we finished just barely under 3 hours.  We enjoyed the rest of the coldest winter Florida had experienced since the 70s with our friends celebrating our finishes!

I also took Kevin to his first Bruins game in January for his birthday 

In february, we went to see Stifler's mom do stand up for my friend Michelle's birthday

Near the end of the month, we had my friend Amy's bachelorette party!
I was a bridesmaid in her wedding and drank a lot to drown out
the country music at the bar!

In March she got married. I drank a ton of champagne and danced the night away with all of our Six Flags friends!

Me & roomie dancing it up!
In April I had my foot surgery! I had waited until after Disney to see the surgeon, then booked my date ASAP, April 19, 2010. I had little pain, and felt so happy to have the surgery over with. It was also probably due to the fact that I had almost 3 months off from work!

Can you see my foot bootie on the left foot?
I was depressed about not running, and dreaming about getting back to it. A week ad a half after surgery I was at the gym on the recumbant bike. Eventually I added a little weight lifting and elliptical. I began dreaming about my next race.

I had so much free time, I used the weight watcher boards more often (did I forget to mention I am a weight watcher?), and found out people had blogs. I wanted to have one too. I wanted to share my struggles and triumphs since I enjoyed reading about everyone else's. My first blog post HERE.

In May, I went to Fenway Park to watch my brother and friends run in the Run to Home base and helped them raise money for War vets. I was super jealous, but I made some fabulous signs and cheered them along!

At the end of May/beginning of June Kevin & I broke up. It was the toughest thing I've ever experienced & I was a wreck. I also had my first post-surgery "run". I made it 4.4-.0 mph for 10 minutes and smiled like a fool the whole time. 2 weeks later, Kevin & I got back on track and heading in the right direction. Life was getting better.

In July, I started looking for a fall 5K to get back into racing. I eventually decided to try a triathlon instead! The Danskin women's triathlon was in September. I figured since swimming & biking were low impact activities, then the 5K a the end wouldn't be too bad on my foot. I started cycling again, and swimming once my incision was healed. I was knee deep in training!

We sat on the Budweiser roof deck at Fenway for the first time in July too!

In August, one of my college girlfriends came to visit & watch the Red Sox beat the tigers!

The next day, Kevin & I left for Mexico!

I also got clipless pedal on my bike & learned how to ride with them

In september I completed not only my first post-surgery race, but my first ever Triathlon!!

I also started doing Blog giveaways, starting with Inspired Endurance!

In October, we went to the last home sox game of the season & got to walk on the field!

I ran the Hartford Marathon 5K & got a badass race shot! Redemption from the bad triathlon shots.

I also decided to do the Rock N Roll New Orleans Half Marathon. I convinced my college roomate and a couple other friends to join me and started training.

Around the same time, I decided I wanted to do the Disney Princess Half & earn the tiara medal. I convinced 2 of my girlfriends to have a girls only trip to Disney after deciding it wasn't crazy to run 2 half marathons 2 weeks apart.

We hosted a fabulous Halloween party at my house and dressed as Ghost Busters

In November, I won myself a Garmin! I couldn't wait to use it with my training. I also had my 28th birthday, and PRd my 4.5 mile Turkey Trot with my fastest mile EVER!

In december, I PRd at the Jolly Jaunt 10K &  Hot Chocolate 5K in 1 weekend!

Me & Barbie at the 10k

Barbie, me, kevin & brother after the 5k

My knee started acting up, Christmas came, and went, and here we are! Kevin and I still had our ups & downs after getting back together. When trying to plan our wedding, we found our venue only had one date available for next year and his brother would be away at sea (in the navy), all summer/fall. Since I hate winter, we had to decide to put our wedding off until 2012, which was really tough to handle after being together for 6 years. Good news is, we decided that Kevin will move in after the holidays, and he is happy to have more time.

Thanks for reminiscing about my memories with me!
Next up are my 2011 goals!!

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