'The story of the lessening of specific diseases is not cut and dry at all; there are variables and multiple factors--not merely vaccinations--to take into account when analyzing the record. For example, paralytic polio was a scourge prior to the 1950's (polio vaccine first arrived in 1955) and probably everyone in my generation can remember the March of Dimes campaigns with Eleanor Roosevelt leading the way.
Well, today the scourge of "natural paralytic polio" has vanished due to unknown factors, but perhaps due to what molecular biologists today call "mutations due to gene drift" in the virus. Epidemiological studies show that polio mortality declined by 82% prior to 1956 in England and Wales. The same pattern emerged in France. The vaccine had nothing to do with any of it. After 10 years of polio vaccine availability (1966), the overall statistics indicated that polio had returned to where it had been in the 1920's. And today, it is argued that the only source of paralytic polio are the polio vaccines.'
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