Hot Chocolate 5K

22 degrees this morning when I left the house with wind at 5-9mph. yikes! I wore my new black & purple under armour tights, pink cold gear top, and my sugoi running jacket. Definitely had my ear warming headband and gloves too. The race was in Northampton, which is one of our favorite places to go to eat, they have a TON of amazing resteraunts. The run was to benefit Safe Passage, which is a shelter & couseling center for women & children who are victims of domestic violence.

Barbie, my brother, Kevin & I made the drive to Northampton, saw our trooper friend on the way to park. My other friend Deb & her sister & law were running too. They had self-seeding which was good, to break things up. Barbie was hoping to finish in 28, and I decided to start with her and see if I could catch up.

Off we went, and I kept up with Barbie for the start at 9:03 pace, lost her a little ways in, but kept her in my sight for at least the first mile. There were a couple of big hills, but I kept a fairly good pace until the last mile. My lungs were tired and it was cold! I had to walk quite a few times during the last leg, but with a beautiful downhill finish, I sprinted at the end.

best of all?
Another PR!
mile 1 9:20 (fastest mile ever)
mile 2 9:32
mile 3 10:24

Barbie, me, Kevin & jason (brother) after the race

After the finish, I found Barbie and we got some oranges & our hot chocolate mug. We got our mugs filled with hot chocolate and mini marshmellows, YUM! Then we found everyone else, and headed to the car for a warm up and ride home. Overall, a very well organized race, great post race food/drink, and a fun time!

our finishing mug
Since I made 2 PRs this weekend, I decided to skip my other 3 miles today. Its cold, and I'm tired! Grocery shopping, celebration of our anniversary & another review & giveaway on the agenda. Hope everyone's races went well today!

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