Thursday I got a totally badass 7 mile run done on the treadmill.... before work!
I had a tempo planned, but at around 3.5-4 miles, the knee started acting up. seriously??!! I knew I had to push through, I wanted to get all my mileage in. The last mile turned into a run/walk, but I made it. Sometimes I am disappointed that I get injuries, when I feel like I should be able to prevent them, being a physical therapist and all. Right now, I have decided my pain is due to 2 things (possibly 3). My IT band & piriformis are ridiculously tight and in spasm. I have been foam rolling, and even had a deep tissue massage, but it is being a bitch. My lumbar spine and sacrum were out of alignment. I could just feel the slight shift, but luckily a coworker fixed that today. The last possible one is that I should probably switch out to a new pair of running shoes.
Skipped a workout today, but have been foam rolling before & after work. I've been craving pizza all week. I ate like crap & too much wed night since I wanted pizza and didn't get it. I should have just ordered a pizza, I probably would have done less damage. I asked Kevin if we could order pizza tonight, he wanted to make hot dogs at his house (vomit), so I made toast and an egg. He calls me 30 min later to say he burnt his hot dog & now wants to order pizza. Go figure. Oh well, I'll have a piece of that too to satisfy the craving. I better get on track tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I have to work tomorrow. My long run is scheduled for sunday but is only 8 miles. My running parter is still on vacay, and I am nervous about possible snow, so it may be on the treadmill.
My mom also told me I could come pick up my bike trainer from her house because it is too big to wrap. Sweet!! I can't wait to hopefully try it out this weekend.
Dont forget my Rev Abs giveaway HERE! enter by 12/14
There will be another giveaway this week, and christmas giveaway surprise coming soon!
Happy running!
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