You can fix my plumbing any time!

On sunday, my kitchen ceiling seemed to spring a crack and a nice water mark. Just what I need a leak in my barely over a year old home! My mom called our contractor friend for a plumber referral, and lucky me, I got the HOTTEST plumber ever! The bad part is he said they did a crappy job on the plumbing for my house, the good part, he fixed it. Wish I knew the scoop on him since he was such a hottie and super nice to boot. I know he's a firefighter too, so my firefighter friend is going to see if she can get the scoop... wonder if he is single?

The knee? Well, it hurt like a bitch yesterday, I foam rolled until I cried. I skipped my run today, the rolling felt a little better. Today, I didn't have to go to work, hooray! I was at Springfield College playing patient for the physical therapy students for their practical exams. A couple of girls who were also playing patient, were talking about wanted to run the disney half marathons and asked me what I thought. I told them how much fun it was and encouraged them to do it.

I need to go out to finish my christmas shopping, but I'm lazy since sitting around watching my DVRd lifetime movie marry me. Made me even think that I could dump my commitment phobic boyfriend for a dream relationship with the plumber. ok, back to reality. Shopping, then possibly a new ride on my toy that I'll share later!

Mike at 26.2 is my cooldown is having a fabulous giveaway for 3 I-pod shuffles, so check it out HERE!

Don't forget my Road ID giveaway HERE!

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