I heard a patient say one day that the difference between a nana nap and a cat nap was that during a nana nap you use a blanket. So there you go... We all know what sleep deprivation does to our quality of life (and those around us who get snapped at), so lets look at a little concept called Sleep Hygiene... (No it doesn't have anything to do with crumbs in the bed).
Sleep hygiene refers to positive habits that promote a restful sleep. It's about developing a bedtime routine so that your body can prepare itself for a good night's sleep. You can't go straight from watching a hectic crime show or doing an assignment to lying in bed and expect an awesome sleep.
*The old wives tale of a glass of warm milk is true to it's word. Milk contains tryptophan which is the body needs to make melatonin, a hormone which regulates your body clock and promotes sleepiness. Other tryptophan-rich foods include turkey, bananas and cottage cheese. Melatonin increases with darkness so avoid bright lights before bed and get all romantic with candle light.
*If you're more of a worry wart, keep a notebook/journal next to your bed to release constant thoughts, consider seeing a counsellor or kinesiologist to handle unresolved worries or try a flower essence like Rescue Remedy.
*I used to think my nutrition lecturer was a nut when she'd talk about zinc being her "favourite nutrient"...? But you know what, I'd like to tell you about MY favourite nutrient who's name is magnesium. This little puppy relaxes all your muscles, nourishes your nervous system and promotes quality shut eye. You want to aim for about 300 mg after dinner.
Other little gems include creating a clutter-free environment in your bedroom, gentle stretches, listening to guided meditation CDs, sprinkling a couple of drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow and herbal teas like Planet Organics Calming blend (lemon balm, chamomile and spearmint). One cup of epsom salts and 6 drops of lavender oil in a hot bath also works a treat.
Sweet dreams kids…
Other little gems include creating a clutter-free environment in your bedroom, gentle stretches, listening to guided meditation CDs, sprinkling a couple of drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow and herbal teas like Planet Organics Calming blend (lemon balm, chamomile and spearmint). One cup of epsom salts and 6 drops of lavender oil in a hot bath also works a treat.
Sweet dreams kids…
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