And when I am in panic mode, I eat like crap & miss workouts.
Reason #1? More snow is on the way. We had 4 inches today, and are expecting another 6-10 tomorrow night (although I head a rumor of 2-4 feet). I am thinking I need to get on a plane & get out of here immediately. The snow is messing with my workout plans, messing with my life. I get anxious about driving in it, and it throwing off my schedule. I hate it.
Reason #2? Nuggets. Which is what I call babies. My friend Barbie, the one I did my first triathlon with. One of my girlfriends I am supposed to be running the Disney Princess Half with, just told me she is preggers. WTF?! Now she can't run, and she is missing a whole racing season. I really didn't think she was at the point in her life for nuggets, I guess I misjudged. I feel so far from it. I may be 28, but birthing a nugget seems ridiculous to me at this moment. I want to get married, continue training & racing. Getting knocked up is the last thing on my mind. Then I find out another girlfriend is preggers. Both are younger than me, and it is making me anxious. Like, should I be wanting a nugget right now, because I don't. Does that make me a bad person? I know many of you are mommies & love every minute of it, but it just doesn't feel right to me yet.
I was close to a panic attack at work today. Thinking about this snow & nuggets. I wish New Orleans was closer, because I have to avoid all of this. I wish I could say I used that negative/anxious energy to get my workout in, but instead I ate a bag of stacy's pita chips & 3 popsicles for dinner.
My long run partner Shelley & I have decided to go anti Glouster, MA & make a pact to not get pregnant. Now if only I could do something about this snow.....
Wish me luck getting a workout in tomorrow
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