18 things I am grateful for on the 18th of Feb...


Adjective: Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; to be thankful.
Thankyou Universe for...

  1. walking down the hill for a pre-work swim

  2. organic coconut and vanilla shampoo

  3. goats milk and cinnamon soap

  4. fresh spelt bread to make toast

  5. two new clients booking in for next week

  6. being told by an old lady today that she has stop eating chocolate by using positive affirmations

  7. that Muffin Break decided that their gluten-free muffin of the day would be choc chip and raspberry

  8. having Wendy Russell as a part of the Essential Health team

  9. slowly weaning a patient off of anti-anxiety medications and onto magnesium

  10. a one and a half hour remedial massage at Coffs Pain Relief Clinic

  11. Australian Unity for getting $25 back

  12. a swim at the foreshores and walk on the beach, then another swim

  13. home cooked meal at the parentals

  14. seeing my parents overflowing with happiness while they told me tales of Italian adventures

  15. a spa bath with chocolate scented sugar scrub

  16. mini toblerones from duty-free for dessert

  17. driving home towards a giant full moon while listening to Angus and Julia sing Big Jet Plane live on Triple J

  18. knowing that it's only one more sleep til I see my babe again xxx

Every choice and decision that you have ever made in your life has lead you to exactly where you are today. Take responsibility for who you are, the house you live in, the job you work at, the partner you have (and partners you've had in the past) and the type of person you are to others. If you don't like it, make some new choices and show gratitude for the life you have created.

What are you grateful for?

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