Guess who had to drive to work again in the ridiculous weather?
oh, right... me.
Tuesday I made it to the gym for my run before the snow really hit for my run. While on the treadmill, it went from a few schools closed & a few with early dismissals, to all closed. The weather wasn't bad heading in to work, but the drive home was rough. We were anticipating a disaster wednesday, and were told if we didn't make it in, that we would have to make up the therapy time tomorrow and friday.
So obviously I was planning for a snow day. When the snow quieted down last night, the roomie and I headed to the store for snacks & supplies to make cookies. We hit the game store and bought a copy of Just Dance for Wii. We were planning of a fabulous day of dancing & eating like fools.
Then I woke up. I looked outside. 2, maybe 3 inches. SERIOUSLY? I couldn't avoid at least trying to get to work. So Kevin shoveled the driveway and off I went. I hit one snowbank on the way out of the gas station and almost got in 1 accident, but I made it in. I was hoping to leave early, but only made it out at 4. Most of the storm ended up as a wintry mix, so the roads weren't too terrible coming home.
Hopefully things will be clear for tomorrow morning so I can get my run in! Last night, I registered our free prizes from the time share and day dreamed about tropical locations. I hate winter, get me out!!
8 days until New Orleans!!