'Almost on a daily basis, thousands are waking up and rejecting drug-based, vaccine-laden medicine. Pharma may think their industry is “too big to fail” but if its prize widget, vaccination, is refused by most, the industry is likely to crash to the ground with a massive dinosaur-like thud. It’s hard to maintain a $500billion/year industry if most of the population is vaccine-free and healthy. Below are a few excerpts from my chapter in the book, Vaccine Epidemic. For the full story, go here to get your copy.
"Discussions about the right to refuse vaccination can become contentious, even hostile. Those who firmly believe that vaccines are safe, protective and mostly harmless stand a chasm apart from those who have a different experience with vaccination, including serious injury, chronic illness and even death. The debate has intensified, and so have the stakes. As more parents investigate and weigh the risks and benefits of vaccines, many have opted out. These parents have decided to take personal responsibility for the health of their children, refusing to accept that health can come through a needle. Every vaccination has potential side effects and many feel that the risk of the vaccine is unacceptably larger than the risk of the illness." '
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