Chocolate Maca Treats and Bean Salad

Last night I decided to try a new recipe from a book that I took out from the Library called Everyday Raw. Raw cashews can be used in so many raw dishes that it is sometimes hard to decide what to make. I decided to try something new.

This truffle recipe uses maca which is a Peruvian root. It has kind of a mild or bitter butterscotch taste. You can find it in bulk or in capsules. It is often used with chocolate dishes like this or in hot chocolate drinks. I like the idea of this recipe, but I think the next time that I do it I will change a few things. For me it is a lot of maca and I might like it more if there was a little less. Really you could take the base of the chocolate and cashews and add your own flavor profile. I did love the texture of the dough that it created. However it was a little harder to clean out of the vitamix.(tip-scrape all you can out of the Vitamix then instead of washing with soap and water add almond milk to help remove all the chocolate and then you have a little bit of a bonus..Chocolate Milk)

I adapted the recipe and cut it in half. I usually cut the recipe in half when it is new just in case I don't love it then I haven't wasted a lot of high quality ingredients. This recipe uses maca and cacao powder.

Then some cashews, coconut oil, sweetener and vanilla powder.

Blend well. It takes a while to blend. I had to adapt the recipe and add some water to get it going. I also cut the sweetener down and replaced it with water. It turns into this thick dough. Scrape out and place dough in freezer for an hour or two.

Then roll into balls and coat with Maca. Note this is messy. If you plan on doing half chocolate and half dipped in maca, it is good to keep them separated. As you can see the maca powder gets everywhere.
My daughter Blyss was my little helper. We were covered in chocolate!! sister Michelle came over and dropped off some lettuce and bean salad. This was great as my husband was out of town and I had no car and was craving a salad.

Top your lettuce with bean salad. There is a dressing on the bean salad so just put a huge scoop of the beans right on top of the salad.

Michelle's Bean Salad (non raw version)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Olive Oil

Kidney Beans
Chick Peas
any other bean you would like to add

Enjoy!!! Yum. Even my daughter who is a picky eater loved this bean salad.

I am really getting excited to share a lot of the things that I am learning about raw food. I am studying at night and I am almost finished taking David Wolfe's Ultimate Raw Nutrition course. It has been really interesting and I have been learning a lot about the body and raw foods. I also have a few other courses to finish up in the area of cleansing and detoxing.(more about that later).

Please let me know if there is anything specific that you would like me to make or talk about.

Also I would love for you to join us on facebook by clicking the "LIKE" button on the right hand side of the blog. Now off to yoga...wish me luck it is my first class in a long time.

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