I hate that just as I start to get my workout mojo back, I start to get sick. I'm thinking lack of sleep over the weekend, a crappy diet the last week, and everyone sick at work are to blame. Tuesday night I guzzled 3 cups of green tea, and wednesday morning I had DayQuil, Airborne, and green tea before heading to work. Today though, I'm feeling stuffy, headachy, exhausted, and have a sore throat. I'm skipping work in favor of more rest and healing. Mayyyybe I'll see if I feel up the gym later. But for now, after I get things straightened out, its back to bed. Then maybe I'll have some time to clean my bathroom and work on my tri training schedule.
Aimee @ I Tri to Be Me suggested I try following an Olympic training plan to keep my mileage base up. So I've searching around online for ideas on one I like. So far what I'm not liking is longer than an hour in the pool! I don't think I've ever swam for that long! I'll need to get the waterproof Ipod case just to keep me occupied. I am excited to use my new swim cap from REI though!
Guess what came in my email...
I also noticed that I am over 200 followers!! Welcome to all new followers and thank you to everyone new and old for following. Knowing I have you all to keep me accountable and to support me, help me get better and stronger all the time. Thanks for reading, now back to bed for me!
Guess what came in my email...
Shelley was already begging me to do this race, but it being so close to Disney 2012, I'm not sure if it will be a smart financial decision. My credit card is still hurting & waiting for my tax return to settle last vacations bills. I am reasoning with myself saying they are a month apart, and I have a coupon code for Disney & could probably find one for Vegas or wait to sign up till I'm at RnR Providence. I just think it would be extra awesome to run the beautiful strip at night!
I also got an email about the Danskin Tri in Webster. It is now scheduled for July 24, which may make it warm enough to go without the wetsuit!
In other news.... like my Power Balance giveaway!
We had 71 entries all together (with the bonus entries from my raffle donations), with the winner being Miss Zippy! Maybe the power balance mojo will help Miss Zippy get rid of her injuries and run happy again!
email me at sgrigely at hotmail dot com to claim your prize by saturday.
Another BIG Thank you to all of you who have donated to my Run to Home Base Fundraising Raffle!
So far I have raised $205 through the raffle to help support injured vets of war. Thank you to each & every one of you who have donated.
This past friday, Elizabeth @ Canyon Cairns won herself a pair of CEP compression shorts!
You can win some fabulous prizes and support a great cause by checking it out HERE!
The next winner will be chosen tomorrow.
I also noticed that I am over 200 followers!! Welcome to all new followers and thank you to everyone new and old for following. Knowing I have you all to keep me accountable and to support me, help me get better and stronger all the time. Thanks for reading, now back to bed for me!
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