Is that where it goes?

Thank you for your helpful hints yesterday.

I had a "wow I'm an idiot" moment when reading the pull buoy comments. I was putting it between my lower legs, by my calves.  I couldn't believe how hard it was to keep in place. No wonder, I had it in the completely wrong spot! haha

Yesterday I had a double session scheduled, which did not happen. I was supposed to have a 54 min ride on the trainer, and was pumped about it. Unfortunately for me, Kevin had stayed home from work sick, so he was there when I got home, which is unusual. And of course, he was in the middle of a movie. Some old fashion movie that I would rather die than watch, so I decided to make dinner first, ride later. But then, ride later turned to... sleeve of thin mints, some cadbury mini eggs & wheat thins later. You can bet after that I had zero motivation to ride.

I'm not sure what it is about change in plans that gets me so flustered that I fall apart. I mean I completely fell off my good eating plan I had been with all day. Which is why I made sure to make it to the gym this morning for a run and some strength training. Maybe I'll get that ride in tonight.

Good news on the home front! The builder is coming over today after work to check out my basement. Basically on the phone he said "Well everyone has water in their basement right now" Which I think is a lame excuse. This is a new home, and I SHOULDN'T have to be worried about water problems for the rest of my years here. He said he'd have to look at it to see what the problem is, so cross your fingers for me!

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