VRM: Polio – United Nations & The Great Cull


 'According to the World Health Organization vaccines aren’t to blame for the spread of Polio in Nigeria; but rather low vaccine uptake amongst the poorest communities. This despite the fact that, by their own admission, children receiving LIVE POLIO VIRUS DROPS will continue shedding the virus amongst their family & neighbors for weeks to come.
“At the main hospital in Mbarara during that month of 1977 more than 600 children died following polio vaccination.” United Nations

The madness of “herd immunity”, the assumption that by vaccinating (infecting) everyone the herd will somehow maintain overall protection against life threatening diseases & viruses. This inverted logic serves only one agenda, that of a sustained Eugenics directive throughout the Third World. Since the introduction of this program Polio numbers have exploded in these isolated communities. The locals know full well it is Malaria (coupled with crippling poverty, a lack of proper sanitation & nutrition), NOT Polio which presents a genuine threat to their communities.'


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