
Today I've been reading a lot of Boston Marathon Race recaps

Mel @ Tall Mom HERE
Katye @ Longs Legs On the Loose HERE
Beth @ SUAR Part 1, Part 2
Dorothy @ Mile Posts HERE

I don't live far from Boston, 1.5 hours at most. I've never had a desire to run it before. My friend Speedy trooper runs it every year with the rest of his state trooper buddies, and I always track his results. My brother, who lives in Boston, volunteers every year, and ran the 5K this year. When I told Speedy trooper that I would be doing the Disney marathon, he said "Why don't you do a real marathon like Boston or Chicago?" To me, a marathon is still a marathon, but WOW how amazing does Boston seem after reading all these race reports!

Now clearly I am a slow runner. I will never BQ. A 3:40 marathon is probably well over an hour past my reach. I am passionate about Stroke research and education, having done the Kona Half with Train to End Stroke in 2008. I vaguely remembered "Tedy's Team", Patriot's player Tedy Bruschi's team for the Boston Marathon that raises funds for the American Stroke Association. Maybe this will be in my future someday soon? Having the inspiration of my stroke patients I work with daily are enough to get me through anything. 

Today I managed a run. A short run. My back was achy, I haven't stretched in probably a week, and I just wasn't really feeling it. After 2 miles, I called it quits and stretched for a good 20 minutes. Tomorrow is a scheduled swim & strength day, I am crossing my fingers my lazy butt will wake up for it. 

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