Climb the ladder

todays quote

"Each goal is like a rung on a ladder that helps you climb, step by step, to the top"

I like setting goals. I like making lists, because everytime I get to cross something off I feel accomplished. Setting goals gives me something to work for (check out my 2011 goals HERE), and reminds me of what I'm working toward. If each goal is a rung on a ladder, then each race, training workout, healthy day of eating is leading me to somewhere. What's at the top of my ladder? Overall health & fitness. Weight-loss. Self-confidence. Each goal I set for myself is getting me there bit by bit.

What's at the top of your ladder & what are your rungs to get there?

My weekend had me take a tumble down that ladder. After friday's delicious dinner out, I started to climb back out. Healthy eating, and my first outdoor ride of the season! I wanted to go out for a while, but Kevin and I headed out together & after tackling some killer hills we headed in and finished at 40 min. Sunday, I had a bridal shower for one of my old co-workers. Bellinis and a fabulous brunch, lead to skipping my long run. But I did clean my house for a couple hours, and must have burned a few calories at least doing that! 

Today is a new day.
I swam today, focused on my technique. I remembered my sneakers, and did some weight training. I ate healthy (minus the chocolate chip cookies when I got home). Then, I went for an easy 2 miler with Kevin! He is a sporadic runner, so when he suggested it (nice weather will do that to you), I jumped at the chance to go out together! We did 1 mile to the park, walked a little & sat down to watch the ducks, then headed back. We ran the whole first mile, and took a couple walk breaks for the second one. I was proud of him for pulling a double session too since he dragged his but to the gym this morning too! I guess he's climbing his ladder to health too.

Crossing my fingers I don't fall off the ladder!

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