Crunch time

Meet my niece, Landry Nicole Raya. Weighing in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and 19.5 inches long, she made her first appearance in this world at 3:40 p.m. Monday afternoon. Mom and baby are doing great!

Upon meeting her Aunt Rachel, this little bundle of joy rapidly accomplished two things: stealing my heart and reminding me it is crunch time. For the last 35 and a half weeks, Landry's mommy has been my preggo buddy. We commiserated about first trimester nausea and exhaustion, laughed about strange cravings and food aversions, cried together (not really) about loss of bladder control, even registered together. You name it: we faced it together.

So there you have it. I am now the lone preggo, with four weeks (or so) to go and one very real reminder that change is rapidly approaching!

So give it a month, little Landry. Your cousin is on her way!

Rachel Raya is a Public Relations Manager for Texas Health Resources who is expecting her first child, a daughter, in mere weeks!

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