Your Cigarettes. Radiation Worse Than Chernobyl. What Corporation’s DON’T want you to know...

'Do you know what you’re actually putting into your body?
The radiation dose from radium and polonium found naturally in tobacco can be a thousand times more than that from the caesium-137 taken up by the leaves from the Chernobyl nuclear accident.

Do you even know how much of that stuff is comparable to Japan?

While Japan has been spewing out only 7millirems, smoking two packs of cigarettes a day imparts a radiation dose by Polonium 210-emitted alpha particles of about 1,300 millirem per year.

On another....The radiation level in central Tokyo reached a high of 0.109 microsieverts per hour in Shinjuku Ward Thursday, data from the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health show He found that the dose from natural radionuclides was 251 microsieverts a year from smoking.'

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