Taking back your sovereignty is the real revolution.
A real revolution starting in our own backyards.
'The current system, domineered by corrupt, career politicians and the corporations and banks that manage them like a troupe of actors, seeks to monopolize power on all levels. We are witnessing a "global government" taking shape, with "global institutions" that make decrees, laws, and even war not based on the greater good of humanity, but for the greater good of a corporate-financier oligarchy seeking to spread their power and influence to the four corners of the globe. They have done so under the poorly dressed guise of "human rights," "freedom," and "democracy." As the cheap veneer that covers their true designs peels away, we are outraged but perhaps at a loss of what to do.'
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- Michael Schmidt off to Europe to talk about the raw milk repression and resistance here in North America
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barter and economic freedom
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