But there’s just something about First Birthdays, isn’t there? I was all set to buy Sam a cake. It would look good and taste great. But then . . . well, the logic-free Mommy-monster invaded my body. I had been looking for a Jack’s Big Music Show (Sam’s favorite Nick Jr. show) cake to buy, but wasn’t having much luck. Then I went to a friend’s daughter’s first birthday party, and my Mommy-friend had made a STUNNING caterpillar cake for her daughter. So of course, I got to thinking, “could I do a cake for Sam?”
A quick Google search showed me this Jack’s Big Music Show cake, complete with template and decorating instructions. Even though I’ve NEVER decorated a cake before, I got brave, bought the cake mix and icing (yes, I used canned icing for the test cake, but I promised my husband that I’d let him MAKE me the icing for the “real” cake), and did a test run.
I learned a lot.
- I learned that the hubby’s idea to put an apricot glaze over the cake pre-icing was a REALLY smart idea, though we probably should have cut the face shape out first, so there would be glaze on the sides that were going to be iced.
- I learned that even an entire tube (plus some more) of red gel food coloring only makes a very dark-ish pink icing. I decided it would have to do.
- I learned that the recipe gave me TONS more green icing than I needed (but it’s a fun neon green color), TONS more pink-that-was-supposed-to-be-red icing than I needed, almost the perfect amount of blue icing, and more than ample enough of the other colors I needed.
- I learned that icing CAN be too warm (and by that I mean room temperature) to “hang on” to the cake.
- I learned that flattening and cutting neon green Laffy Taffy to make Jack’s hair is harder than it looks.
- I learned that it takes a LOT longer for me to do all the steps on the recipe than I ever thought it would.
- I learned that cake decorators truly are artists (and I am NOT). This stuff is HARD WORK!
Julie Daneman is wife to Bryan, Stepmom to Jacob and Caleb, and Mommy to Sam. They are a boisterous, loving, happy interfaith family.
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