Cases of Autism Dwarf Risk from Measles


Woman in bed with thermometer & spots all over her & bed

'Here we go again. Fear mongering over measles is in full swing. To listen to the hype from the medical establishment, you'd think it was smallpox, not the relatively mild disease that doesn't begin to compare with the harm done by the so-called cure for measles, vaccinations. The reality is that the autism epidemic dwarfs the risk of measles in every sense.

First, though, let's get a sense of the measles hysteria being mounted by seeing what the papers are saying. The Telegraph refers to the people who've contracted measles as "struck down". The Guardian refers to the head of the Health Protection Agency, Mary Ramsay, who focuses on "reminding parents and young adults of the importance of immunisation. 

Although MMR coverage has improved over the last few years, we cannot stress enough that measles is serious and, in some cases, it can be fatal. Measles is a highly infectious and potentially dangerous illness which spreads very easily." We'll see how seriously that warning should be taken! Then, the Los Angeles Times gives dire warning with, "This could bode ill for infants, who are generally too young to get the vaccine."

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