'A few hours ago, the Food and Drug Administration declared it no longer needs credible evidence to seize food that may be contaminated. Ignoring the Fourth Amendment entirely, the FDA claims that based on mere suspicion that a food product has been contaminated or mislabeled, and that serious illness or death will result, it can hold the food for 30 days while it then looks for evidence.'
Editor's Note: 'I show in Human Race Get Off Your Knees that the plan to ban the private growing of food using the excuse of 'safety' goes back at least many decades into the early part of the 20th century. In truth, even beyond that.
The idea is to stop the population growing food for themselves so that the only source of what bravely passes for food are the global producers and biotech corporations who are systematically poisoning the world through the cumulative effects of the genetically-modified, chemical-infested shite invariably packaged in plastic so that the food absorbs its poisons, too.'
-David Icke
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