Rockin workouts

Remember my anxiety over going to the group ride on monday night?

I sucked it up, and went.

The people were very nice, and helpful. However, I would not recommend increasing your max mileage from 9 miles this training cycle to 25 miles overnight. Especially over killer hills, with a bunch of people who know what they're doing. I was the last one up the hills, and ran out of water with 6 miles to go. I was struggling beyond belief. There were points when if I knew where I was, I would have called Kevin for a ride, or gone a shorter route without them. I had no idea where we were in the farm lands of Somers, CT, so I sucked it up and tried not to get left behind. They were awesome about waiting for me and helping push me along. Almost 2 hours later, we were back, and I was exhausted. My Garmin lost satiliette part way through, so I only clocked 21. I was dying of thirst, and collapsed on the couch while Kevin made dinner.

wished I was riding this!

Was it hard? Unbelievably. This is what I need to get better though. If I want to be a better cyclist, I will go. No matter how much it sucks. Because eventually it will get easier.

This morning I managed to even get up for my speedwork run. 5 x 1K of awesomeness @ 6.1mph. I felt fast and strong. My legs felt good, even after the crazy ride the day before. I killed it, and had a good stretch afterwards.

My nutrition has been better, and my scale should be arriving soon, so I feel like I'm on the right track! Wish me luck for a pool workout tomorrow!

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