Run to Home Base 9K Race Report

Early saturday morning, Lindsey arrived at my house and we got ready to go. Lindsey is a friend I've had since before we were born (our parents have been friends for a looooong time), and she just got out of the Airforce, and was recently over in Afghanistan. We drove toward Boston, parking at the Riverside T stop and riding in to the Arlington station where our hotel was. After checking in we went to packet pick up!

We headed to Cask N' Flagans for lunch, then shopping on Newbury street! We got some free drinks on the street...

Along the way we found the most addicting place ever, if you recall from my NOLA trip...

We went back to the hotel to watch the Bruins lose (booo!), then hit the addicting place on the way to dinner. Did you guess it yet?

For dinner, we went to Kevin & I's favorite pre-sox game place. Boston Beer Works. We timed it so we could eat & watch the game, since we didn't have tickets (booo!), and enjoyed a beer or 2 beforehand.

Once we got back to the hotel, I laid out my gear, and once the Sox started losing, I couldn't bear to watch and we went to bed.

Race Day
The weather had previously been predicted to be 60-70 and sunny. Sunday morning it was cloudy, windy & COLD! Luckily I brought my long sleeve Disney shirt and wore it pre- race. We hopped on the T and headed to Fenway Park. We met up with my brother and his girlfriend, and a high school friend and his wife.

Soon after that, they had us sit in the stands for the opening ceremonies, which was new this year. They had speeches from various military people, the Predisent of New Balance (major sponsor) & Scott Brown (our state senator). 

By that time, I had given my long sleeve to Kevin, but I was shivering. I had goosebumps everywhere, and was desperate to be warm. I called Kevin frantically, and he came to find me & give me my shirt. My brother decided to hang back in our start wave since he is working through an injury, and soon, the 3 of us were lining up at the start.

My goals for this race were pretty simple. 
Run without walking
Keep a steady pace
Finish in under an hour

We kept a pretty easy 11 min/mile pace for the first mile. Since I have a pretty bad habit of starting too fast, then fading, I decided to start off purposly slow. The 3 of us ran the first mile together. Just as we crossed over the charles, my brother had to stop to walk (was doing a run/walk combo), and Lindsey was hanging back. I told them I'd see them later, and picked up the pace to 10:30s.

The run was beautiful. A great, fairly flat course along the Charles. 2 out and backs which was great since I got to cheer Lindsey on along the way. My brother kept up with his run/walk combo but kept working to catch up to me during the run part.

I caught him (far right) at a turn around where he begged me for my water. Ironic since he was making fun of me earlier for carrying a fuel belt.

Then I caught a pic of Lindsey (right)

The best part was seeing all the soldiers wearing their fatigues, and the Navy clan running together and carrying a flag. The pride for our country was amazing.

My brother caught up with me after that, and said he'd stick it out so we could finish together. He was a good push near the end, since he knows Boston, and knew the course. He helped me push it toward the end for a strong finish by the Green Monster!

Official Stats
10:37 pace
1565 overall
262/369 division

all goals accomplished! No fade, proper pacing, no walking, and under 1 hour finish!

(no official race pics yet)

Only downside? Some crowding just past the finish, and no water on the field. Thank goodness I had my own! After the race, we headed over to meet up with Kevin & the crew. I found one of my old students that ran, and Lindsey and I took a bunch of pictures.

After showers, and checking out of the hotel, we headed to lunch at Eagle's Deli (as seen on Man vs Food).

Then back to Pinkberry

Then home.

Overall the race was amazing. Thank you SOOOO much to everyone that donated to my fundraising cause to help injured war vets through the Run to Home Base Program. It means a lot, and to those who serve our country!

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