today's quote:
"Taking control of your body means taking care of your mind. And with that, beautiful things can happen."
Weight loss, training, healthy eating.... its all such a mental game. We have to have the need, the want, the drive the focus, to be successful. When we are tired, emotional, or stressed, it affects how we treat our bodies. Maybe we toss & turn at night, or grab candy from the drawer to munch on, or skip a few workouts. When you're head isn't in the game, the will to be disciplined disappears.
What do you do to refocus?
I usually try to get more sleep, talk out my frustrations, make a to-do or goal list. I find that these things help me to get my head back on track. I am hoping right now that following the goals I posted sunday, will help me treat my body and mind right.
In my productiveness of a weekend, I totally missed my massage appointment sunday(also a great way to refocus your mind!). Thank goodness she had a monday night appointment available. After being poked & kneaded, my legs and back are saying, "Thank you!!"
I did skip this morning's workout. I have NOT been getting enough sleep lately, and I took advantage of the extra time. I promise however, that I will get my run in tomorrow morning. The rainy weather is depressing, so double sessions & even after work workouts are not likely.
I needed a little pick me up, and lucky me....
I forgot to pick some new winners for my raffle....
Paula @ Running mom of 5
Mary @ The Running Green Girl
email me your prize choice to
Its also almost my 1 year bloggiversary!
I started this blog as a way to help me get back on track after foot surgery, but its turned in to so much more. I think I'll have to think up a fun giveaway in celebration!
Don't forget to enter my ALO giveaway HERE
Paula @ Running mom of 5
Mary @ The Running Green Girl
email me your prize choice to
Its also almost my 1 year bloggiversary!
I started this blog as a way to help me get back on track after foot surgery, but its turned in to so much more. I think I'll have to think up a fun giveaway in celebration!
Don't forget to enter my ALO giveaway HERE
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