by John Rappoport
'Well, it’s actually vaccine world.
I’ve written many articles about the so-called outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics of the last 25 years—SARS, bird flu, West Nile, Swine Flu… The stats show these illnesses, at best, were duds. They never spread to a fraction of the extent predicted.
And was there ever prediction! Everybody and his cousin got in on the act. Doctors, public health agencies, political leaders, conspiracy researchers. Franky, to blow my own horn a little, I was one of the people who put this crap to bed. I raked the fear mongers over the coals and showed, from a number of angles, why the predictions were based on no firm evidence at all.
But the mainstream epidemic mongers did accomplish one goal. They took the opportunity to hammer the global population over the head with the idea that WE ALL MUST GET VACCINATED.'
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