David Wolfe on Cacao: Real or Not Real?

Hello Foodies:

Just sharing an interesting link to an interview with David Wolfe and Len Foley on Cacao. Many of you who have been into raw food for a while may already know about this. However if you are new to raw food this maybe news to you.

Raw Cheesecake with Cacao

Real Cacao or Not Real?

Have you heard any of the buzz about cacao and it being hybridized? This is something that you should look into if you are eating raw cacao. I have just listened to a David Wolfe Video that is informative on this topic. You may have heard this already however as always it is presented very clearly on this call. Really it is talking about the fact that a lot of the raw cacao that we are getting is hybridized and called CCN-51 . I don't know about you but I really don't care to eat anything that is called CCN-51 . As you can imagine this is a complex issue that can not be fixed in a quick minute. As a consumer of any type of food, it is important to do some research on what you are getting. A lot of food in our world it is being tampered with, genetically modified and not in it's natural state. When this happens, the food no longer carries the same qualities. The main reason that this information is important is that you maybe thinking that you are getting the best product and in reality you are not. "CCN-51" does not have the same nutritional values of a superfood that most people are looking for when they buy cacao. It is not rich in antioxidants, minerals or have a high ORAC value.

What you should be looking for in your Cacao? Well in the interview they discuss that you should look for a species that is a native-born Ecuadorian species named "Arriba Nacional-Fino de Aroma". You can obviously find these products on David's site, however you can also find the products in selected health food stores. Another interesting point brought up in the video is that cacao paste could be a better choice that the powder.

Love to hear what your thoughts are on all of this. I do eat Cacao and use the above mentioned species. However I do have it in moderation and I don't go crazy with it. What are your thoughts on this? Are you buying the right cacao? Do you avoid cacao and use carob instead? Can't wait to hear what you have to say....

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