Dr. Sherrill Sellman: Hi, my name is Dr. Sherrill Sellman and I am here today to talk to you about Salba, the most fantastic, nutrient dense, super food that has been discovered in a long time. Actually, it’s been rediscovered, because this food, which is actually a seed, was first used by the Aztec Nation for hundreds, probably thousands of years as their primary, staple food. And, it was used to nourish that nation. It was used by the famous Aztec runners to give them energy. It was so valued that it was worshipped in that society. When the Spaniards arrived on the scene one of the ways they figured out to conquer the Aztec Country was to destroy their main source of nutrition, which was this white seed which is now known as Salba, S-a-l-b-a.
If you’d like the scientific name its Salvia Hispanica L. And the Spaniards actually destroyed the crop. They brought a few seeds back to Spain. This plant is found occasionally on the sides of the road [in spain]. It was lost in the mists of time; no one knew what it was. And it was only in the last 15 or so years that it was rediscovered and grown back in South America now in very mineral rich soils in Peru, and has been selectively bred to create the highest nutrient dense food available. So, what I want to do today is to share with you some of the ways to use this little seed.
Because when you use Salba, if you use it every day—this little seed looks very humble—but it’s so phenomenal because two level tablespoons supply you with more than 3 grams of essential fatty acids, of omega 3s. That’s pretty phenomenal because in just two of these spoonfuls you get more than your daily requirement of omega 3. You also get close to 4 grams of fantastic fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber, which is really important for not only regularity, but also to help balance your blood sugar levels. So, it helps to support weight loss and prevent things like diabetes. I’ve been using this for a year or so now; I use it everyday. [It’s] part of my diet, part of my life. And, I just thought the easiest thing to do was to show you how to use this in a simple way.
So, what we’re going to do is kind of give you the scoop. Now, it’s a seed and it’s a very hard, little seed. You could just sprinkle it onto things but, I don’t know about you, but I get it caught in my teeth, so I really don’t like sprinkling it on things. Here are the two best ways to use it. You can take Salba and just put it into a coffee grinder. And what you do is just literally put the seeds into the grinder. Now, the thing about this seed is that when you just have it setting in a can its shelf life is 5 years. When you grind it—now it’s high in omega 3s so it’s got a lot of these healthy fats—when you grind it, it can stay totally fine, rancid free, for up to 9 months; it’s incredibly stable. So, this is what it looks like after you grind it, it becomes a powder.
Now, what do you do with this powder?
You would take it and you can sprinkle it on your yogurt, you can put it into protein shakes, but, what you can also do with Salba is fantastic for cooking and baking. You can slip it in soups and stews. You can add it into your baking of breads and muffins. It kind of gives a consistency that you get from eggs, actually, it has a bit of a binding effect. And, you can be just as creative as you want. There are recipes that include Salba and recipes [for] making cookies. You can bread chicken with it; you can do all sorts of things with it—about as creative as you want to get. That’s one way to use Salba.
The other way, and this my particularly favorite way because I travel, and when I travel I take Salba with me, and I just soak it in water. So, it expands; it expands about 12 times its weight in water, which is why it is a fantastic seed; it becomes very gel like. I like to say it’s a tapioca consistency. And it’s easily digested; in fact, it’s fantastic for people who have digestive issues.
The Celiac Society has approved it, so anyone who [has] digestive issues this is wonderful, it’s again, something you can put into shakes, put into your yogurt, you can put it into sauces, you can put it into salad dressings, you can put it into oatmeal and use it everyday in taking your two tablespoons worth. A couple of things that I want to say about Salba that’s really important. First of all, it GMO free, so it has not been genetically engineered. It is grown in mineral rich soils in Peru, actually, which makes this so nutritious because it’s filled with minerals. Gram for gram it has 15 times the amount of magnesium that is found in broccoli. It has 6 times the amount of iron found in spinach, for instance. It has the equivalent of, actually—3 times the amount of antioxidants found in blueberries. It has more protein than found in soy; it’s a protein source. It is the equivalent of, gram for gram the amount of vitamin C found in 7 oranges. It is just phenomenal, not to mention, its omega 3 content.
The other thing that is wonderful about Salba—it has a neutral flavor, so you can put this into the food that you give your kids because they won’t even taste it; it has no taste at all that you can recognize. It’s also a great food for seniors because it’s so nutrient dense it can give the seniors the nutrition that they really need and are often deprived of. So, because it’s neutral tasting it can fit into any recipe. And, the other thing I want to say is, it is extremely low in calories; it’s a half a net carb per serving, that’s nothing. So, because of its nutritional status,
I also recommend this for vegans and vegetarians because it does have some good protein in it. And, for all those people who are gluten intolerant, this is ideal because this is absolutely gluten free. So, for a food that can supply you with all of your daily nutritional needs it’s really a wonderful option to incorporate into your diet, to use in addition to the other supplements and things you’re using. It’s a fun thing to use, and it’s really going to be adding a super charge to your health. So, cheers. Enjoy.
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