“The only safe vaccine is one that is never used.”
Dr. James R. Shannon, former Director, National Institute of Health [1955-68]
Dr. James R. Shannon, former Director, National Institute of Health [1955-68]
'In today’s environment of mandatory vaccines with no safety studies performed on them by the U.S.FDA—at least according to Congressional Hearings on vaccines and autism held 1999-2004—since they would cost too much per FDA, health consumers are left in the dark as to why their children experience horrible health problems post-vaccination. That is not a rash statement. All one has to do is check out the thousands of vaccine adverse reaction reports filed with the CDC’s VAERS reporting system. See http://vaers.hhs.gov/index. Until September 2, 2010, almost $2 Billion in claims was paid for vaccine-related damages. Here’s where to file a vaccine adverse reaction http://vaers.hhs.gov/resources/vaers_form.pdf.'
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