I was prepared to cry and to miss him terribly the whole time. And you know what? That didn’t happen. Of course I missed him. It was tough when Sam and Bryan dropped me off at the airport and Sam started crying. I know that he really was crying because it was morning nap time (he just recently gave those up) and the car had stopped moving. Still, it’s never fun to leave your crying baby. Bryan assured me he’d be fine as soon as the car was moving, and I had a bag to check and security to get through.
I admit to being a bit of a nervous flier (I don’t like take-off and I’m not fond of turbulence), so I make sure to bring plenty of distractions for flights, especially flights by myself. I was soon consumed with those distractions (namely a book and my journal). I texted Bryan to let him know when I landed safely and had my bags, and again when I made it to the hotel room I was sharing with my mom and sister in Times Square (on my own, navigating the NYC bus and subway transit system, with luggage. And by the way, so many people were so nice and helpful to an obvious tourist like me. Thank you NYC!)
Don’t mistake me, when I had time to kill at LaGuardia before my return flight, I called home. I admit to purposely not calling before because I was afraid that hearing Sam’s voice or him hearing my voice might start waterworks (on either end) that wouldn’t stop. And I did tear up hearing my little man’s happy babble on the phone. But, all in all, my first extended sleep-away from my angel went much more smoothly than I expected.
How long did you wait before your first extended sleep-away from your child? How did it go?
Julie Daneman is wife to Bryan, Stepmom to Jacob and Caleb, and Mommy to Sam. They are a boisterous, loving, happy interfaith family.
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