Witness to Wonder

To watch a child grow is an awesome experience, affirming the magnificence and creativity of our Maker. From the first little kick in the belly to the jumping of a preschooler, or the first “MaMa” to the first sentence, the progress you witness is exciting, amazing and inspiring.

I recently gave my daughter herself such an experience on a smaller scale. I wrapped a box that anyone guessing would have thought was empty. But inside was a “Butterfly Bungalow” – a little butterfly house made of nylon and netting. The exciting part of the gift, however, was outside the box. I had already ordered the live larvae, which arrived in a little cup with built-in food.

My daughter was so excited! “I have another pet!” she told her grandmother on the phone. We let her keep the little cup in her bedroom and were pulled in several times a day to see her caterpillars. You’ve heard of the Very Hungry Caterpillar? Those tiny larvae were about a ¼” when they arrived and more than tripled in size within a week.

We pulled up “Butterfly Life Cycle” on YouTube and watched in a few minutes what we were going to witness over the next few weeks. As she learned about the butterflies and watched them grow, we learned too – things about butterflies we had forgotten or never learned, and more importantly, lessons from our child about stopping to notice God’s amazing creation.

When it came time to release the butterflies, there were no protests or tears. Just a matter-of-fact approach as the next step when raising butterflies.

I only hope I can follow her example of living in the moment, reveling in the stages of growth, and when the time comes, releasing her into the world with awestruck wonder.

Amy McCall is a Marketing Manager for Texas Health Resources and  Mom to one daughter who amazes her every day.

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