"Juice" and HYDRATION Facts

Drink till you float. Water that is, NOT Juice!

Fructose = fatty liver deposits, the same way alcohol does. Fruit juices contain massive amounts of fructose. Most juices also and contain nasty stuff like molds and pesticides. Experts even say any fruit juice is as damaging as commercial soda beverages because of the way it affects the body.

FYI: Welch’s 100% "No Sugar Added" Grape Juice has MORE sugar (fructose) than a 12 ounce can of soda! Not to mention that grapes are one of the most pesticide-filled fruits.

Fructose is very damaging to growing children and it interferes with the formation of collagen.

Sally Fallon NOURISHING TRADITIONS: “There is as much sugar in a small glass of orange juice as there is in a candy bar – and most of it fructose, which is more harmful than the sucrose of sugar. Consumption of apple juice has been linked to failure to thrive in infants. Excessive consumption of fruit juice upsets the acid-alkaline balance of the body. Even consumption of veggie juice can cause this imbalance. Even over consumption of fruit can cause severe mineral deficiencies.”
Fruit should be consumed in moderation. The earlier you introduce fruit to children, the earlier a sweet tooth develops.

1. When you burn fat for fuel in the absence of excess carbs, you produce ketones. Far from being harmful, ketones are the natural by-product of fat breakdown. Your body can and WILL use them for energy. This is a healthy energy source that is longer lasting than glucose (marathon runner's know they "hit the wall" when they use carbs for energy). If you don't believe me think about migratory whales...they use 100% fat to make their journey.

If there are too many ketones, it will dispose them in your breath or pass them through your stool/urine. ENTER the importance of water: the more water... the more urine... the more ketones will pass through urine.

2. It helps break down fat. Whenever you are dehydrated, the liver can't do its main job of breaking down fat. The liver has to go help out the kidneys. To learn more on the importance of the liver, read the chapter called The Tired Toxic Liver in Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism.

I like to add a little flavor to my water so I often use tea bags. I found this one: Mango Coconut Oolong Tea. (OR other, like Apple)

1 gallon water
15 tea bags
Stevia glycerite (or Organic Zero) to taste

Put water in large pot, and heat on high until boiling. Add teabags and let steep until desired strength is acquired. Stir in sweetener if desired. Once cool, place in cool bottles to store in the fridge.

Apple Juice = 110 calories, 0 fat, 0 protein, 29g carbs, 27g sugar
"Healthified" Juice = 0 calories, 0 fat, 0 protein, 0 carbs, 0 sugar

Click HERE for cut jars to store the tea in.

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