Visible abs are the result of proper abdominal stimulation, a low body-fat percentage and, most importantly, DIET!!!! Now, there is a difference between having strong abs and having visible musculature (your sought after six pack). You can have a strong core but if you are still noshing on processed foods you won’t see the fruits of your labor. Same as if you eat well but don’t have muscle underneath- you get my point? I have a 3 step recipe to perfect abs:
This means non processed, fatty, sodium-packed or sugar-laden foods. Alcohol isn’t either and neither are packaged juices, smoothies or yogurts. Lean protein, fiber and water are a huge part of a flat stomach.
Try for unprocessed foods and aim for oatmeal, egg whites, skinless chicken breasts, veggies and fruit, fish and whole-grain cereals and breads.
You can NOT get the results you want without the diet to match it. Most anyone who reads this is in college and I know it’s hard to stay away from the beer and pizza but sometimes there is give and take. I drag my butt out of bed an extra half an hour early before class to make myself a spinach egg white omelet with a grapefruit. So don’t tell me that you can’t.
You need to incorporate “core-demanding” exercises into you routine. Making sure you are working your obliques and back as well as your rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis. But do NOT just sit there and do abs and cardio every day. This drives me off the wall insane. You have to decrease your TOTAL body fat; you cannot just decrease your stomach fat. This means you need to start working out every muscle group and a little perk is that your core is called into action when working other muscle groups (I use to not even do abs until I taught HardCORE). Also don’t do abs every day. Let me say this again, you DO NOT need to do abs everyday! Rotate every other day and change up your routine to keep your muscles guessing. Also take time to stretch , this puts your muscle into optimum position for building.
I have girls ask me after my ab class where I get my workouts from? Go online, I love Mens Health, Oxygen Mag, just search around. My fav is circuits which if you have attended any of my classes I’m sure you already know this.
This is important because this is what gets rid of that fat and water hiding your six-packs. A great way to get the amazing abs is to look for combine cardio with abs program that is fat blasting and calorie killing – but also forces you to stabilize your midsection. Hello?…. KICKBOXING!!!!!!! Also pilates and dancing are good.
So now you know my secret. I hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions or want to know about other topics. I love to share my knowledge, ask any of my roommates, they are pretty tired of hearing me talk about it.
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