Murdoch and Vaccines: Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story

'But what has not yet been covered is the media circus Murdoch’s London Times created internationally as it fabricated lies against a respected British doctor, with consequences that could impact the lives of billions of children in the world.

The London Times headlines read:
Callous, unethical and dishonest’: Dr Andrew Wakefield, MMR scare doctor Andrew Wakefield makes fortune in US,Andrew Wakefield & MMR – the investigation – by Brian Deer,London Times: MMR doctor Andrew Wakefield ’abused his position of trust.’
Andrew Wakefield was a respected British gastroenterologist who began research into digestive problems in autistic children in collaboration with other doctors in the UK, after being called by parents seeking help.  His work indicated severe digestive issues and he asked for more investigation of the MMR vaccine.'


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