The oddest places I've ever breastfed

The other day I was laughing with a couple of friends about the strange and creative places we've had to pump or breastfeed our babies. For example, I've pumped in the restroom of a movie theater, a hotel, and a restaurant; in a co-worker's office; at the house of friend of a friend of a friend, whose bridal shower I was attending; in the car (I was the passenger - not the driver - and we were travelling on a busy highway); and at the House of Blues in Dallas upstairs in the VIP room. One time I even pumped in an unoccupied interview room while I was attending a focus group session. I had been assured no one was around (it was about 9 p.m.), but the giant double-glass window was a little creepy!

On past road trips, we pulled over numerous times so I could nurse my baby. The oddest spot was when we pulled inside a stall at a manual car wash. I didn’t realize there was a video camera in the ceiling until we were almost finished. Yikes!

When you're in a public place and your little one is hungry, a Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do. We asked Moms on facebook and twitter to share the oddest places they've ever pumped or breastfed, and here were the responses:

The oddest place I recently breastfed my 1 y/o was standing in line @ the dmv.
@_ItsMeRoxanne_ via Twitter

The bathroom of a home-recording studio. I had to ask the guy for an extension cord and then unplug the lamp that was providing light to the bathroom to plug my pump in and pumped in the dark.

I once nursed Sydney walking around Meijer. We were covered. Sometimes you get tired of finding a private place to go. You just want to grocery shop. Lol.
Jennifer Carlson Jacob

I had to pump in my inlaws car on a 6 hour trip to Arkansas. My mother in law, father in law, sister in law, and brother in law were all in the car. They all got a good laugh the first few minutes they heard the pump and knew what was going on! Definitely the most interesting place!
Kara Taylor Harrison

Airport bathroom... the family bathroom. I was never comfortable nursing Gracie in public even if we were covered.
Eva Oliker

In a clients office
Kelly Ryan

Hotel bathroom at a work conference with the battery backup because I forgot the power cord.
Amy Craig Wagliardo

I would have to say walking around lowes or menards...very odd to have to breastfeed in a man
Andrea Underwood

Port-a-Potty on Nantucket
Rachel Sprague Fedor

Pulled over on the side of the highway (baby couldn't wait another minute). I also once saw a lady in line at a Disney World attraction breastfeeding and another lady on a department store couch breastfeeding it! Sometimes when a baby is hungry, You just gotta stop and feed!
Melinda Heydenburk Graham

On the toilet in the airport bathroom. It was one of those automatic toilets, so every time I moved it flushed. People must have thought I had a terrible stomach bug:)
Cassie 'Androes' Laing

In a lawn chair at a cookout....I made it work....and just tried not to flash anyone...nursing covers r wonderful....but for us women with a big chest...I find it difficult to really breastfeed without totally exposing myself....I don't want to smother her....but I've only been doing it two months....
Ashley McLaughlin

Cracker Barrel.
Vikki Arnold Mioduszewski

I was working at Papa John's and I pumped in the only room with a door we had - pretty sad b/c it had huge windows for anyone to see in and no blinds so I had to tape pizza boxes to the windows!
Ashley Whitman

I nursed in a lot of public bathrooms. I had a baby who just couldn't nurse unless there was NOTHING else to concentrate on except me, lol. I remember the first time I had to do it was when he was 2 weeks old in the bathroom at the GA Aquarium. I couldn't get him to nurse anywhere so I ended up sitting on the floor of the handicapped stall. A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do, lol.
Barbara Witherspoon Bailey

the ft. Worth texas zoo
Angel Leach

Backseat of my sister's car outside the drs office right after her 2 month old shots. Very awkward on account I didnt have anything but a burp rag to cover up with. Lol but it was the only way she calmed dwn and was asleep within mins.
Brianna Carlson

The parking garage at the hospital where I went to rent my pump, Borders (cafe and travel section), middle son's soccer game (on a windy day - that was interesting). :)
Julie Guess Daneman

When you need to breastfeed in public, somehow sitting on the dirty bathroom floor always wins over sitting on the public toilet...and as for pumping when out and about without baby, oddest place: bathroom stall at a concert and then a wedding reception, it always makes for interesting and embarrassing bathroom stall conversation as the battery operated travel pump makes ridiculous noises and you try to explain to those coming in and out of the restroom as to what you are doing...good times :)
Laina Koselak Ferrettie

On the beach and in my car outside of the gym!
Katie Davis

Once when traveling I had to pull over at a hotel and pump there. The manager was nice enough to let me use an area where my kids and I were not going to be interrupted. Sounds weird, but it was just me, Sierra and Nathan was a few months old. I needed a quiet and cool place to stop and I pulled over at the first nice-looking hotel I saw!!! It was the middle of summer and terribly hot so that hotel was wonderful.
Amy Shields

Where is the oddest place you've ever breastfed or pumped? Leave a comment if you want to share!

Mandy Forbus is a Sr. Marketing Specialist at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Hurst Euless Bedford and mother of two.

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