Weekend recap!

I am crossing my fingers...

Because I think tomorrow will be a GREAT weigh in. I have Joy Bauer's Banana Pecan Bread in the oven to bring to work tomorrow, yum.

This weekend, with Kevin on mancation, I did a lot of cleaning & relaxing. I spent saturday at work, then my mom's pool, and sunday I had my long run. I tested out my possible race outfit for Providence...
What do you think?
You may notice, this is the skirt I almost wore for Disney, but it was a little too small. I am happy to say that with all my hard work, it now fits!!

The run felt good, almost easy. I felt like I could have pushed the pace, but Shelley was really sore, so we kept it casual & chatted the whole time. 

I can't believe I can run 10 miles and not even feel sore anymore! I think that means I need to push the pace a little harder. I am going slower than the Run Less Run Faster program is calling for, but Shelley and I just usually stick with what feels comfortable.

I've decided to not do this weekend's triathlon. I need to swim more, save some money, and run my last long run with Shelley. I promise to start swimming more to be ready for September's triathlons!!

Back to Bachelorette!

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