'For the last decade cancer research has been guided by a common
vision of how a single cell, out competing its neighbors, evolves into a
malignant tumor. Like ostriches with their heads cemented into the
ground they have obsessed with their “common vision” no matter what
evidence has been revealed. These mainstream medical scientists admit
that, “new theories are still coming out that will possibly change how we treat the disease.”
“They just keep on getting deeper and deeper into the mire of all that
DNA stuff………..needing more research money, never finding anything that
makes any difference for anyone,” writes Claudia French, RN.
What they forget to mention is that medical science already has a
host of vital information accumulated that is not comprised of theories
but, rather, hard data on causes. Just look up the research on how heavy
metals like mercury, radiation from medical tests and medical
procedures, and even chemicals like fluoride put in drinking water can
cause cancer, and it will take you months if not years to wade through
it all.
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