'One of the most hotly debated subjects over the past few years has
been the cause of the obesity epidemic, and along with that, the best
strategy for weight loss.
Some folks (Atkins, Taubes, Eades, etc.) believe that carbohydrates
are to blame. Others (Ornish, Campbell, Esselstyn, Fuhrman, etc.)
believe that fat is the problem. More recently, researchers like Seth Roberts and Stephan Guyenet and clinicians like Dr. Sharma
have raised awareness of another hypothesis, called the food reward
theory, which holds that the consumption of highly palatable foods leads
to overeating and weight gain. And Paul Jaminet and others have argued
that micronutrient deficiencies, toxins and infections may play a significant role in the obesity epidemic.
Here’s what I think: the most accurate answer to “why do people get
fat?” and “what’s the most effective weight loss strategy?” is: “it depends.” '
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