'Wait a minute? Didn't the vaccine industry claim that they took
Thimerosal out of childhood vaccines? Yes, they claimed that - and they
lied. They actually did just a show removal, taking Thimerosal out of
only 3.48 percent of those vaccines - and all of that was in the US,
attempting to mollify, and mislead, American parents of damaged
children. About 104 million childhood vaccines are administered,
worldwide, each year, and only about 4 million have a preservative other
than Thimerosal.
More, despite massive cover-up by the vaccine industry, it is
becoming obvious throughout the world that the childhood vaccine
schedule is the worst disaster foisted on the human population in
Earth's history. After the US government attacked Iraq, and
Afghanistan, we forced, at gunpoint, Iraqi and Afghan children into the
vaccine program - and the results were predictable. All of those
vaccines were jam-packed with mercury.
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- Vaccines: Dirty Truth Revealed - Reality Report Special Interview
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Thimerosol cover-up
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